Ebert, Jackasses, and Needless Tweets

Roger Ebert has given himself permission to trash politicians and ridicule actors.He's a movie critic, so belittling others is second nature to him. Whether it is his place to displace certain people and events, or whether he is justified in investing himself with...

Further Comments on Jon Stewart's Interview

I think it is specious to claim that any news organization can be completely unbiased. Fox News at least permits speakers from across the ideological spectrum to speak on the network. They also challenge the reports and reporters who frequent the Mainstream Media.If...

Bias in the Media: NO KIDDING!

What, you mean newspapers, journalists, and the media are biased? I had no idea (*sigh*). . .Enough already! It is clear, present, and inescapable truth that news reporters are news-makers. Let's assume that reporters could siphon out their viewpoints, adjust the...