Ron Paul Throws His Hat in the Ring, Again

Ron Paul, Tea-Party favorite before there ever was a Tea Party movement, is officially entering the 2012 Presidential Campaign.He deserves the honor.Twice before he has run for President first as a non-major party candidate in 1988. The second time, he ran in 2008, an...

The Donald Won't Run

Donald Trump has announced that he will not run for President in 2012.That is the wisest political move that he could have made.Rather than giving the American public the coveted privilege, Donald Trump has basically said to himself:"You're Fired!"

Osama Bin Laden: DEAD and BURIED

Finally, they caught and killed Osama bin Laden, the Al-Qaeda Mastermind, the Architect of 9-11.He was in hiding in Pakistan, in a compound which anyone within a five-mile radius could have found. He was hiding in plain sight. What does the Pakistani Government have...