"Truce on Social Issues"–A Further Consideration

When Governor Mitch Daniels of Indiana (and one-time no-longer candidate for President) declared the need for a "truce on social issues", he was asking for two things, one of which he probably wasn't aware of at first:1) The GOP needs to focus on fiscal...

Hezbollah Calling the Shots, Shoots Itself

Hezbollah, the terrorist state-within-a-state in Lebanon is calling on the people of Syria to stand by Assad.What power they had as king-makers and shot-callers in the region, they have shot their credibility leaning on the wrong side of this conflict.Assad is...

Further Defense of Netanhyahu

In a joint press conference with United States President Barak Obama last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the President's recent proposal to advance the Israeli-Palestinian peace process by having Israel return to its 1967 borders. Part of...