Yemen: Tribes and Tribulations

Unlike Egypt and Tunisia, Yemen is a very backward nation. Situated on the southern end of the Arabian peninsula, this impoverished state has also been swept up in the Middle Eastern tide of revolutions.Political skeptics point out that lasting reform, if any reform...

Unrest Boils Over in Iraq

Finally, the International Media is paying attention to Iraq.I am not at all dismayed by the political upheaval erupting in Baghdad. This is all part of the natural progression of liberty. Freedom isn't free, the path to democracy is not short and sweet, and an...

Obama's Stance on Gadhafi

For the first time, President Obama has spoken out boldly for the removal of an Arab dictator in the Middle East. He has acknowledged that Moammar Gadhafi has lost the respect and allegiance of his people, and that he must step down.Where was President Obama during...

Don't Back Down, Governor Walker

Scott Walker Republican Governor Stan Walker of Wisconsin is facing quite a backlash for his efforts to balance the state budget and tame the power of public employee unions. To recap his efforts, not only is Walker requesting that public employee unions contribute...