Gadhafi's Edge over Rebels

As the civil war drags on Libya, Gadhafi is gaining the upper hand over the rebels. He has recaptured key port cities, sites of major oil wells. His airpower dwarfs the gun power of the insurgents whom the 42-year dictator is pushing back.While Gadhafi is holding onto...

Renaissance Reform and Modern Revolution

Before Iranian Mullahs, Arab despots, Chinese Communists, and Dictators of every stain and stripe were dominating press, print, and radio to prevent their oppressed peoples from hearing new ideas, free-thinking, and open discourse, there was the Vatican.Paul III and...

Algeria: A Quiet Success Story in the Making

In the first week of March 2011, the Wall Street Journal reported on opposition movements rising in Algeria, following the protests rocking Tunisian, Egypt, and the rest of the Middle East.Unlike the staunch opposition of President Mubarak before ultimately...

Celebrity Shame-Baiting: A King and A Commentary

Earlier, I had commented on the potentially dubious practice of "celebrity shame-baiting", how it can bring out the worst or the best in the public, depending on the motivation for practicing it.To recap, "celebrity shame-baiting" is the process of...

Jews in China: Who Knew?

Jews have traveled all over the world, settled in lands as far-reaching as Afghanistan (though currently only one Jew still lives there), India, and now. . .China.Jews have a wide and varied existence throughout the Earth.Following their first Diaspora at the sword of...