Charlie Sheen and "Two and a Half Men"

In the past, I ranted against the chronic swarming of the media around every misstep and crime perpetrated by Lindsay Lohan.Now, the paparazzi and news entertainment circles are following every act of malfeasance by the badly troubled Charlie Sheen. Just recently,...

Why is Revolution Spreading Across the Middle East?

Aljazeera's English Website issued the following statement explaining the origin the populist movement which is embroiling the Middle East, from the Maghreb to Transjordan:"December 17: Mohammed Bouazizi, an 26-year-old man trying to support his familyby...

George W. Bush: A Vindication Forbidding Scorning

The broader vision of a more democratic Middle East is bearing fruit, in some cases peaceful, in other instances more violently.We need to recognize that it was the vision and courage of the previous President George W. Bush who initiated this commitment. He saw the...

Comment on Napolitano's Mental Health Care Bill

In response to the attack on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, fellow Congresswoman Grace Napolitano wants to invest $200 million dollars into education to hire social service professionals in schools. In her opinion, an adequately trained professional could have...

Moammar Gadhafi: Going Down and Good Riddance

Moammar Gadhafi, longest-reigning Arab dictator in the middle east, is barking defiantly against the surge of populist uprisings which have swept the Presidents of Tunisia and Egypt from power. He has ordered mercenaries and armed guards to fire on his own people,...