A Likeable (But Likely?) Presidential Candidate

So far, it looks as if Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels possesses the experience, credentials, and skills to take on the mantle of President of the United States.Like Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey, he has tackled the huge budget deficits which plagued his home...

Narrowing the 2012 Presidential Field

There are at least ten Republicans interested in challenging President Obama for the Presidency.One candidate whom I would endorse, or at least seriously consider, would be New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Yet despite the pleas from many in the Tea Party and...

Bob Schieffer: Time to Ship out?

I have not been a frequent viewer of the evening news with Katie Couric. I did approve of her straightforward questioning when she interviewed Sarah Palin. After that extended conversation, it was clear to me that Governor Palin was simply not Presidential material....

Madoff's Revelation

So Bernie Madoff, the multi-billion dollar swindler of middle class investors and Hollywood Elites alike, has declared that the entire U.S. Government is a Ponzi Scheme, similar to the racket he was running for years.As proof, he cites the feeble federal regulations...

Thoughts on the Tide of Middle Eastern Revolutions

The parallels between the years 1989 and 2011 are striking.2011 is looking to becoming an annus mirabilis (miracle year). Before 2011, though, there was 1989. Columnist George F. Will, who surveyed the events of that period of time, termed that tumultuous year an...