The State of the Union
Final Thoughts on the USS Liberty Incident
On October 30th, 2024, I debated Nick Taurus of Laguna Hills, CA about the Arab-Israeli conflict: Here's the entire video of the debate:...
Billboard Grift Loses Control: Chris Elston Attacks MassResistance Activist for Calling Him Out
Billboard Chris didn't like the fact that I confronted him about supporting the whole LGBT agenda. The fact that he is OK with homosexuality means that he is OK with the transgenderism nonsense. You cannot stop the abuse of children if you do not stop the lies. People...
Billboard Grift: Chris Elston Aids LGBT Chris Elston, aka Billboard Chris, is getting a lot of attention these days. He is well-known with his ubiquitous "Children cannot consent to puberty blockers" sandwich boards draped around him. True, children cannot consent...
Extensive Response to Patrick Delaney re: Charges of Genocide Against Israel
In a previous post, I published in full an extensive justification/commentary from Patrick Delaney, one of the contributors at LifeSite News, in which he justifies publishing more pro-Hamas, anti-Israel "journalism." Despite the facts on the ground, the...
Letter to Life Site News: “Israel is Committing Genocide?”
I have provided Mr. Delaney's response below. I will be analyzing/refuting his response in a later post. -- ACS Response from Mr. Delaney of LifeSite News ------------------------Hi Arthur, Thank you for your correspondence below, and we all understand...
Letter to Life Site News: “Israel is Committing Genocide?”
Mr. Patrick Delaney Mr. Delaney: I have read numerous recent reports on LifeSiteNews, which claim that Israel is committing genocide against the residents of Gaza and the West Bank. Including your report:...
Why So Many MUSLIMS Stand with Israel
Flabby Groyper “Scoop” Against MassResistance Backfires
Casey Whalen: "Arthur doesn't agree with me. That means he's 'controlled opposition'!" I love my haters! In Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, there is a lingering effort of white nationalist freaks trying for some degree of relevance. The Idaho GOP is making great strides...
It’s Official: Black Lives Matter-Los Angeles Fails, Gives Up on Torrance
Her head is in the right place. LIVES MATTER should be the watchword from now on. Big win for The Balanced City! I have been receiving their emails for the last five years, just to know what this marxist hate group has been up to and all the evil they plot...
Do Not Remove Ancient Landmarks — Anti-Sodomy Statute in Singapore
Singapore made a grave mistake when the national government repealed Section 377a. Repeal of that moral sanction sent the false message that homosexuality and transgenderism are normal behaviors, and therefore should face no moral sanction or approbrium. And look what... Announces the Obvious: “That Debate Was Tough”
Even could not paper over the obvious. Joe Biden did very badly in the debate! Dear MoveOn member, This is Rahna Epting, MoveOn's executive director. I want to level with you. Thursday's debate was very tough—and we still have an election that we absolutely...
CA MassResistance HUGE VICTORY in Norwalk, CA!
After a year of activism: CA school district shuts down high school “Wellbeing” Center with Planned Parenthood-trained staff. Parents were fiercely opposed by leftist media, pro-LGBT activists, and School Board. Not giving up yields big results! July 3, 2024 The...
It’s Time for An Appeal to Heaven
The American political climate is contentious, fraught with conflict, ready to burst asunder in flames. In fact, those destructive embers have broken out many times already over the past eight years. These eruptions of violence will not go with the next...
Idaho MassResistance: East Idaho “Pride” event was subdued and diminished
Fewer attendees; many vendors stayed away. But Idaho MassResistance activists took a different approach this time! June 27, 2024 This year it was mostly just a bunch of odd people walking around - quite unlike the depravity last year. What a difference a year (and...
Idaho Freedom Foundation: Pride in America Month
Dear Arthur, It’s “pride month,” and if you’re like I am, you’re probably tired of having the LGBTQA+ agenda shoved down your throat at every turn. Last year, the Idaho Freedom Foundation decided to flip the script on the month of June. Instead of spending a whole...
The Weather Man: Easy Doesn’t Enter Into Grown-Up Life
Downtown Torrance Association Took Another Loss, “Chalk Walk” Cancelled for Pushing LGBT Pride
Adam Schwartz, the LGBT bigot who wants to force "pride" on the city of Torrance, took another loss last month, May 2024. Not only did the city of Torrance barely pass a pride resolution, despite massive outrcy from Torrance residents against the celebration of...
SAY HIS NAME! Aurelio Mattucci Beats Recall Effort (Where’s the Money, Signatures, Jean?!)
The Daily BreezeThe Daily Breeze reported the news last week, but I was getting the updates from key contacts within the city, connected to city hall. Of course, right after he got the news (May 31, 2024), Mattucci shared the news on his Facebook page:...
MassResistance Statement to Downey City Council Following Neutral Flag Policy
My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am a proud member of MassResistance, the international pro-family group that makes the difference. My last name is “Schaper,” not “Sharp,” Mayor Trujillo, so get it right! On behalf of our organization, including our many...
LGBT, Corporate Media Meltdown Over CA MassResistance Victory in Downey, CA
Newspapers, TV, politicians, LGBT groups attack MassResistance for stopping “pride flag” requirement in California city. Leftist attacks from across Southern California – even Florida and the U.K. We must be doing something right! May 29, 2024 The headline on the NBC...
Answer These Uncomfortable Questions
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Freek van Litsenburg - Get to know yourself🇬🇧🇳🇱🇪🇸 (@wethinkdeeply) 1. If money was not a limit and failure was not a concern, what would you pursue passionately in your life? Is this different from what you...
HUGE WIN for CA MassResistance: Liberal City Votes to Stop Flying PRIDE Flag
MassResistance citizen outcry stops June “Pride Flag” requirement for public buildings in Los Angeles suburb. Statewide LGBT group & prominent politicians tried to keep the order alive. “Gay” mayor goes on rant blaming MassResistance. May 23, 2024...
TAC: Thomas Jefferson Sought Congressional Approval Before Declaring War on the Barbary Pirates
DEBUNKED! Jefferson and War Powers May 14, 1801: WAR IS DECLARED on the United States. Despite all the lies and propaganda they constantly feed us - Thomas Jefferson didn't go to war with the Barbary pirates without getting approval from Congress. Learn the truth of...
LGBT Activists Harass Torrance Mayor, Lie to Public About their Privileges/Entitlement
The LGBT hate groups are growing more brazen every day. In Torrance, they insist on being celebrated, even though they claim that they were "born that way," and th The way that they harassed Mayor Chen was quite disturbing. Last year, he hosted a public forum to allow...
Wyoming MassResistance forces County Commission to threaten Library Board chairman to clean Up Library
Wyoming MassResistance forces County Commission to threaten Library Board chairman: Clean up your act or face removal! Fighting back against degenerate library officials and RINO politicians in conservative state. RINO County Commissioner drops out of upcoming...